Alan McKinnon <alan.mckinnon <at>> writes:

> I doubt dpkg and rpm aren't going to be much use to you, unless you
> really want to run two package managers. Besides, both are not
> especially useful with the front ends apt* and yum.

I'd just use those to unpackage and maybe preprocess some of the codes.

Agreed. I do not want a full blown deb or rpm package manager just
a way to install and evaluate some of those codes before beginning a more
arduous  and comprehensive task. Maybe I should just put up a RH/centos box
and evaluate codes there. It seems *everything* I want to test and look at
in the cluster and hpc world, as a rpm or deb package; so I'm looking for a
time saver, to surf thru the myriad of codes I'm getting; many look very
cool  from the outside, but once I run them, they are pigs.......

Then a slick way to keep them secure and clean it out. Maybe I need chroot
jails too? I spend way to much time managing codes rather than I do actually
writing code. I feel confused often and cannot seem to master this
git_thingy.... I have not code seriously in a long time and now it is
becoming an obsession, but the old ways are draining my constitutional

> Any special reason why you don't instead download the sources and build
> them yourself with PREFIX=/usr/local ?

Lots of errant codes flying everywhere so you have to pull a code audit
to see what's in the raw tarballs before building. That takes way too much
time. I'm working on setting up several more workstations for coding to
isolate them from my main system. This approach you suggest is: error prone,
takes too much time, and I'm lazy and sometimes even stupid.
I need a structure methodology to be a one man extreme_hack_prolific
system that prevents me from doing stupid things, whilst I'm distracted.

Maybe I should just put up a VM resources on the net, blast tons
of tests thru the vendors hardware and let them worry about the
security ramifications?  Some of it is these codes are based on 'functional
languages' and I just do not trust what I do not fully understand. Stuff
(files etc) goes everywhere and that makes me cautiously nervous. I have
/usr/local for manual work and /usr/local/portage for ovelays (layman) but
it's becoming a mess. There where to I put the work effort that is a  result
from repoman. Those codes seem to be parallel projects often
when the code I'm evaluating needs to be cleaned up or extend to properly
test. Furthermore I have a growing collection of file that result
from kernel profiling via  trace-cmd, valgrind, systemtap etc etc.
As soon as I delete something, I need to re-generated it for one
reason or another...... I just hope that this repo.conf effort
helps be get more structurally organized?  

Did you see/test 'travis-ci' yet? [1] I'm not sure it's the same
on github [2] but some of the devs are using it on github. 




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