On Sun, Sep 18, 2005 at 04:03:46PM -0400, Walter Dnes wrote

>   I update m3000 first and then m450.  Any necessary tarballs/checksums
> will end up in m3000's /usr/portage/distfiles directory.  I've already
> got ssh via key authorization going between the two machines, so they
> can back up each other.  I turn on m450 once a week to emerge --sync and
> update it.  I'd like the first mirror choice to be scp or sftp from m3000
> (or if that's easier).  Can it be done, and if so, what
> is the syntax?

  Yes, I'm talking to myself.  I was trying to do it "the hard way", but
the answer is so simple that I missed it.  Forget "GENTOO_MIRRORS".  I
simply need a one-liner...

scp [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/portage/distfiles/* /usr/portage/distfiles/

...copies over all the necessary tarballs/checksums.

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