On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 4:50 AM, Stefan G. Weichinger <li...@xunil.at> wrote:
> Am 24.02.2015 um 03:14 schrieb Canek Peláez Valdés:
>> Stefan, if you already have systemd (which I believe you do), why don't you
>> compile in the support for microhttpd and use the journal? This is the
>> exact scenario for which systemd-journal-gatewayd[1] was written.
> very good ... enabled it on one of my machines, looks good.
> I am unsure if it will be possible to see only postfix.service (easier)

I suspect this is trivial - it looks like something like this would work:

(note, you might need to tweak that - I haven't used the http gateway
personally and am going from the manpage)

> AND only the lines relevant for the domain of the specific customer by
> doing this?

I think you're going to be stuck here unless they come from different
machines or something like that.  Obviously you can pipe the output
through grep but journald will only pre-filter the output using
journal fields, like facility, priority, etc.  syslog only provided a
few fields for clients to specify, and this is probably because in the
end the data just got dumped to a text file so that it wasn't
searchable by field anyway.  It would be nice if they extended the
syslog protocol for systemd and made it possible for clients to
specify additional fields, but obviously the client would need to
support this (likely sending logs over dbus or such).

The http gateway seems like it is intended more as a transport
mechanism with some usability for ad-hoc human viewing.  It isn't a
full-fledged log analysis tool.  The fact that journald can output in
JSON with uuids for each entry should make it far easier to parse its
logs with an analysis tool, but I think all those vendors are playing
catch-up.  I suspect they'll support it fairly soon once they see
everybody using it.  From a machine parsing standpoint the fielded
binary format makes a lot more sense.


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