Am 27.02.2015 um 02:23 schrieb James:
> Volker Armin Hemmann <volkerarmin <at>> writes:
>> em, but you are already monitoring it!
> Maybe. It hard to tell if there are more than one
> temperature sensor, what buss interfacet they are on
> and if it is a calculated or esitmated or actual temperature
> sensor.

it pretty much tells you all that with its name. And for radeon - there
is only one.
>>>> Does anyone with similar hardware have a more extensive list?
>> no, that is all you got.
> That's pretty sad. All that hardware and 3 temps....
>>>> What I'd really like is a very fast (real time?) gui to watch
>> you won't get that, because the senors don't update in 'realtime'.
> Sure. But if I knew of a relatively consistent delay semantic,
use the command below and watch for changes. Some boards update every
second, some every three seconds.

> I could align the delays in temperature sensing with what's going
> on with code compiling or execution; even if it is a rough estimate.
>> watch -n1 sensors.
> not bad. for quick checks.
>> Works even without systemd. Shocking, I know.
> As usual, your insight and singular wit makes for pleasurable reading.
> thx,
> James

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