On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 5:50 AM, German <gentger...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok, this was probably my third unsuccesful install on UEFI. This time with 
> gummiboot. I've followed this guide:
> https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Gummiboot
> and did exactly what was written. What is the vmlinuz it is complaining 
> about? Can it be that vmlinuz should read as vmlinuz-3.16-15-gentoo instead? 
> Here is my config file, it is the same as in the guide:
> title Gentoo Linux
> linux /vmlinuz
> options root=/dev/sda3

path_to_kernel on the "linux path_to_kernel" line has to be relative
to the ESP mount and the kernel name must be correct.

I mount the ESP on "/boot"

# findmnt -n --output TARGET,SOURCE,FSTYPE /boot
/boot  /dev/sda1 vfat

so this is my primary gummiboot entry

# cat /boot/loader/entries/4.0.0.conf
title 4.0.0
options root=UUID=b51ee688-137c-47ec-9635-b69434b4e1f8 ro
linux /vmlinuz-4.0.0-rc1
initrd /initramfs-4.0.0-rc1

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