On Fri, 13 Mar 2015 09:38:15 +0100, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:

> >>>> c) Create a 4 disk RAID1 array consisting of sda2 and 3 
> >>>> missing disks. Then add sdb2, sdc2, sdd2 in turn and the 
> >>>> contents of sda2 will be replicated to them.  

> >>> 
> >>> the array formatted as vfat (-> ESP) ?  
> >   
> >> sda2 is already formatted as FAT with the correct contents.  
> yes ... and after that?
> install gummiboot to each physical disk?
> create new loader-entries ?

See above. The reason for using a RAID1 array is to avoid having to
update multiple disks, just mount /boot on the RAID device.

% mount | grep boot
/dev/md0 on /boot type ext2 (rw,noatime,stripe=4)

Neil Bothwick


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