On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 23:09 +0200, Christoph Eckert wrote:
> > Does anybody have a good link how to capture audio from SPDIF?
> > When I connect the audio to my SPDIF-IN I can hear the the voice on
> > the speakers but when I try to record using KDE "KRec" nothing is
> > captured. I suppose the KRec is not configured correctly.
> > Anybody has good link how to do it.
> if your SPDIF input is supported by ALSA, the following steps are 
> necessary:
> * Even if you hear the noise thru the speakers, this does *not* mean 
> that the audio signal has left the card and went into RAM. This is 
> called monitoring: incoming signal being routed back to the outputs 
> immediately
> * If your SPDIF input is supported, you have to select the SPDIF input 
> of your card as capture source (use a mixer to do so, maybe alsamixer 
> in console mode)
> * If you have done so ensure the gain level for this source isn't muted 
> and it is opened
> * NOw signal should arrive at ALSA. Krec uses artsd, the KDE 
> soundserver. So you should go to the control center and set up artsd to 
> use the right device
> Recommendation: Use qarecord in ALSA mode. It has a nice levelmeter so 
> you immediately can see if there's audio coming in or not.
> Best regards

Thank you for the pointers.
Do I have to have SPDIF enable in kernel?  I don't see any PCM IN
supports in arts or alsamiser.  


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