On Tue, 20 Sep 2005, Ow Mun Heng wrote:

> I did it, didn't have to go through perl. Just added a mail_header() to
> my script.
> mail_header()
> {
>         echo "MIME-Version:1.0"
>         echo "From:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>         echo "To:$RECIPIENT"
>         echo "Subject:Quotes $DATE"
>         echo "Content-Type: text/html"
>         echo
> }
> and then I added a script for cron
> #!/bin/sh
> #
> TEMPFILE="/tmp/file.$$"
> PORTFOLIO_SCRIPT=$HOME/scripts/portfolio.sh
> $PORTFOLIO_SCRIPT --html > $TEMPFILE 2>/dev/null>&1
> && /usr/sbin/sendmail -t < $TEMPFILE && rm $TEMPFILE
> Next, I think the above code can be enhanced by not using a tempfile.
> perhaps a < EOF

You could probably use a HERE document.



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