gevisz wrote:
> I used to convert dav to avi files with the following command
> yet a year ago:
> $ ffmpeg -i input.dav -vcodec libx264 -crf 24 output.avi
> but now, while trying to use it, I get
>> bash: ffmpeg: command not found
> What happened?
> I still have virtual/ffmpeg package installed.
> In my case it points to libav.

Yeah, this was a colossal clusterfuck that was dropped on us a few
months ago. =(

A libav cultist decided to force it on everyone, you have to find the
relevant useflags (forgot which) and set it back to ffmpeg.

The only reason libav exists these days is because it serves as a
religeous idol for said cultists. I'm very disappointed that people are
still suffering from this.

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