On 21.05.2015 17:09, Paul Tobias wrote:

>> for apache-2.2.29 (=stable gentoo package) I googled that one has to
>> # cat dhparams.pem >> /my/ssl_cert_file
>> and restart apache
> Hmm, where did you read that?

for example, in here:


but also in a german thread somewhere.

> With apache 2.2 you'll have to patch manually for now, for example
> this patch: http://serverfault.com/a/693448/88476 I don't run any
> apache 2.2 instances so I can't test.
> Fortunately it's quite easy to apply custom patches with gentoo:
> https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki//etc/portage/patches

sure, no problem.

Don't you think there will be an updated ebuild in portage soon?

so far nothing on b.g.o.


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