Hi, probably I have made a knot into my brain...
What I want is, that fcron executes a script every 14 days. It does not matter, when to execute the script, since I cannot guarantee that my PC is running exactly at that time. I tried &b(1),mailto(root) * * */14 * * /home/user/bin/script.sh Which "works" according to this: On the 28.th the script was executed every miinute... But: If I specivy anything for the minute/hour field, it means: Do execute the script exeactly THEN. And this in turn I dont want. Which places my thoughts again right at the beginning of the cyclus... I am makeing definetly something very wrong here...but I the logic seems to prevent me to do the rigth ting... Or I am currently struck with blindness?? Any help will be very appreciated! ;) Best regards, Meino