On Thu, September 22, 2005 3:30 pm, Michael Crute said:
> On 9/21/05, Nick Rout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Windows drivers are sometimes delivered as compressed with a now fairly
>> ancient scheme. part of which is that the filename is truncated, and the
>> last letter of the extension replaced with a underscore.
>> (Like printer.ppd becomes printer.pp_)
>> In windows 2k one can run the expand utility like:
>> expand printer.pp_ printer.ppd
>> Is there a utility for *nix which will deal with these files? unzip,
>> gunzip, barf. Not sure where to go next.
> If I'm not mistaken these are just Microsoft CAB files with goofy
> extensions
> so any tool that supports CAB should do the trick.

Not in this case i'm afraid, but I have been pointed at
app-arc/mscompress, which seems to do the trick by providing mscompress
and msexpand.

The man page to msexpand states:

"Msexpand decompress files compressed  using  mscompress(1)  or  Microsoft
 COMPRESS.EXE utility (e.g. Windows 3.x installation files)."

Why TF Brother would be distributing files compressed with something from
the days of W3.1 is beyond me i'm afraid. Never mind, solution found :-)


> -Mike
> --
> ________________________________
> Michael E. Crute
> Software Developer
> SoftGroup Development Corporation
> Linux, because reboots are for installing hardware.
> "In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?"

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