Op zondag 7 juni 2015 08:02:04 schreef Dale:
> Andrew Lowe wrote:
> > On 06/07/2015 08:24 PM, Mick wrote:
> >>
> >> From what I recall, in a full KDE desktop you will see previews only if 
> >> you 
> >> have clicked on View/Previews to enable it.  This will create loads of 
> >> thumbnails of various files so that the preview can show these.
> >>
> >> Have you tried this?
> >>
> >     No I haven't. I've just tried, but I can't find what you're actually
> > referring to. Is "View/Preview" a system setting somewhere, an
> > application setting or you can't remember the actual title and it could
> > be view or preview???
> >
> >     Thanks for the suggestion,
> >
> >             Andrew
> >
> > .
> >
> In Konqueror, Settings up top, Configure Konqueror.  In the new window,
> expand File Management, click General then click the tab Previews.  I
> have videos, images etc checked here.  I can see previews of the files
> while navigating around so I knew this was set already, but checked to
> make sure there wasn't something new here.
> You're not alone tho.  I have the same as you.  Weird. 
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 
Well, nothing substantial comes to mind, but I have a few suggestions/questions 
to investigate.

Have you tried with another, or a new, user?

Do you use a custom theme? If so, you could switch it back and see if that 
makes any difference/

Is your disk full?

Are both directories local, or are you copying to or from a remote directory?


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