Am Wed, 17 Jun 2015 16:04:17 -0700
schrieb walt <>:

> Strange, it works here.  I wonder if the difference is caused by your l10n, or
> maybe a bug.  Are man pages always in English?  I've been pondering the switch
> to man-db but I'm not motivated to deal with any fallout and disk space is 
> cheap.

Helmut might have meant that "man stat" show the wrong man page, namely that of
the stat(1) shell command.  "man 3 stat" works, but refers to the more complete
man page fstatat(3p), which is still a different man page than stat(2) (which
is what "man lstat" will give you).

Besides which, I switched to man-db a while ago, in February 2013, with zero
problems.  My main motivation was that sys-apps/man had some minor formatting
bugs that have been unresolved for years, and I also wanted to switch to
something that was maintained.  And no, man pages are not always in English
(although personally I tend to prefer the original English man pages to the
German translations).

Marc Joliet
"People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we
don't" - Bjarne Stroustrup

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