Hi James,

Am 24.06.2015 um 05:12 schrieb James:
So is there a tool/interface where I type something like
'layman -a java' and it writes out the file to

You should take a look at https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Portage/Sync#layman-updater_Method.

TLDR: Install (as in "accept keyword") a newer version of Layman (at least 2.2.16), add the "sync-plugin-portage" USE-Flag, and maybe double check your /etc/layman/layman.cfg so it uses repos.conf.

What layman then does, is creating a dedicated /etc/portage/repos.conf/layman.conf, in which it automatically adds and removes overlays you add/remove via the usual layman commands. So in fact quite similar as the behavior with layman's make.conf, just with the new repos.conf.

HTH and best wishes,

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