My new laptop should arrive this month.  It will presumably support
UEFI, which I have never used before.

I have two questions.

1.  The gentoo handbook favors using the minimal installation CD.  I
downloaded the iso, verified it's integrity, and "burned" it to a USB
stick with dd.

However the wiki page "UEFI_Dual_boot_with_Windows_7/8" says to use a
system rescue CD.  Is that required or can I use the minimal
installation CD?

2.  The handbook, when discussing Booting the installation CD, says

   When installing Gentoo with the purpose of using the UEFI interface
   instead of BIOS, it is recommended to boot with UEFI immediately. If
   not, then it might be necessary to create a bootable UEFI USB stick
   (or other medium) once before finalizing the Gentoo Linux

I don't understand what I am to do?  Must I change the USB stick to
somehow specify UEFI?  Or will the laptop firmware ask me whether to
boot UEFI?  Or something else?


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