Andreas K. Huettel <dilfridge <at>> writes:

> > My new arm64 board has finally shipped.

> How about you pop into #gentoo-embedded on freenode irc?

OK, irc seems ackward to use to me. I' on now, with pidgin....

> There's 2-3 devs actively working on arm64, and I'm sure you will find some 
> help there. Just give them some time to reply, not everyone is online 24/7. 
> (quassel or a similar always-on irc client helps.)

Yea, I might install quassel, if I continue to struggle with pidgin....

> You might end up becoming arch tester or writing the install 
> instructions on the wiki yourself... :D

How bouts I figure it out first, then hack up  an ascii text for others to
follow; then ::>filter::>pretty_print ???

hopefully I'll see you on gentoo-embedded (ah, I see you).

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