Neil Bothwick <> wrote:
> In one sub-thread we've so far managed to cover:
> Bash vs Zsh
> Vim vs Emacs
> Perl vs Python

not to forget: POSIX vs Bash

> What are your thoughts on KDE, kernel modules or USE=3D"-*"? ;-)

Substitute "kernel modules" by Gnome (incl. systemd, policykit) and add
topics concerning pms and package managers, and I think that the list
of flamewar candidates concerning Gentoo Linux is complete.

So it is not unusual to have them in one thread, is it?

However, I did not hesitate to repeat the pro-Zsh arguments
(although I have probably posted them several times here)
because - as already mentioned in this thread - many people simply
are not even aware what they are missing due to lack of information.

Indeed, I would have saved a lot of time if I would have known the
advantages of zsh earlier, and I do not want that other suffer
from the same problem...

My experience was similar to the one mentioned in this thread:
With the default configuration zsh appeared disappointing at a
first glance, so I had ignored it for years, since bash was installed
and usually in the machine's memory anyway; only after many years and
knowing how much more productive I could have been with zsh,
I started to regret this decision.

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