On Thu, Jul 16 2015, Jc García wrote:

> 2015-07-16 14:17 GMT-06:00  <gottl...@nyu.edu>:
>> On Thu, Jul 16 2015, Alec Ten Harmsel wrote:
>>>> On Jul 16, 2015, at 3:44 PM, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> The Gentoo minimal CD does not work if you simply dd it to a thumb drive
>>>> (I rediscovered this anew on Monday). It works just fine if you use
>>>> unetbootin to do the magic though.
>>> I highly recommend using the ArchLinux ISO, which can be burned to a
>>> flash drive with dd. It doesn’t have the gentoo-specific tools, but
>>> that’s really the only problem. UNetBootin has always been hit or miss
>>> for me.
>>> Alec
>> Thank you both.  Let's see if Alan is right and Neil offers a magic dd
>> recipe.  When this is over I will update the wiki or at least add a
>> comment for the authors to consider.
> Why do you want to use the gentoo minimal CD?  if your laptop has EFI
> I don't think you will be able to configure it properly. (I'm not
> aware if the minimal cd has an EFI boot partition, but by the way you
> describe your boot it seemes it doesn't, is this right? you can check
> the iso with fdisk -l )

I am not trying efi.

> Either way I still don't know why the manual keeps recomending using a
> minimal installation cd for amd64 platforms, especially desktop types.
> I recommend you to boot somthing that has X, a browser and
> Networkmanager, I see no point  the unnecessary pain of installing
> gentoo with a console only CD on such newer hardware. It's just
> complicating your life because you want to.

I have not had trouble with the minimal cd.  I do the actual work on
another (gentoo) machine.


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