On Sat, 18 Jul 2015, Fernando Rodriguez wrote:

> Fullscreen works fine on kde and openbox.

Works fine on fluxbox as will, but only with <=virtualbox-4.3.30 (I'm 
using the binary package btw).

> I've had the sound problem with earlier versions and pulseaudio. IIRC I fixed 
> it by tuning PA fragment size.

I'll check that but I have a feeling that the popping in the audio is 
connected to the accelerated video. But as I said, pulseaudio normally 
works fine, and everything works with the previous virtualbox version.

> And it works fine with 4.2.0-rc2 for me. Did  you remember to re-emerge app-
> emulation/virtualbox-modules (after setting the /usr/src/linux symlink to the 
> new kernel source)?

Yes and yes. However now I'm experiencing lockups whenever I start a VM in 
virtualbox 5 when running kernel 4.2.0-rc2, so I can't even check anything 
else. For the time being I'm back on 4.1.2; let me see again if I can make 
it work here.

And Btw. I'm not talking about starting a fresh vm here, I have an 
existing one that I'm trying to migrate.

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