Dale composed on 2015-08-04 12:41 (UTC-0500):

> First, you are going to have a interesting few days, at least.  It would
> be faster and easier to start fresh.  Honestly.  If you just have to or
> want to for a learning experience, cool. 

> See if eselect exists.  If it does, try this:

> eselect profile list

> If that works, pick whatever profile is closest to what you use and set
> it.  That *should* take care of your first problem. 

No complaint from selecting 3, then 6.

> You got lots more coming I bet.

It already seems to be telling me don't. Man portage works, but portage
--help produces not found. :-P I've yet to figure out how to get a list of
all installed packages akin to 'rpm -qa | sort', so I really don't know what
my starting configuration is. Startx doesn't work, which looks like maybe
because /usr/bin/X* doesn't exist, and /etc/X11 is rather sparse.

> If that doesn't work, then you have to link it the old fashioned way. 
> Link the directory for the profile in
> /usr/portage/profiles/<your-profile> to /etc/make.profile and then see
> if it is happy. 

> Also, since this is going to be uphill all the way, I'd use the latest
> unstable portage excluding the 9999 version.  At least that way, portage
> will help solve some problems, if it can. 

http://mirrors.us.kernel.org/gentoo/distfiles/portage-2.2.8.tar.bz2 wouldn't
be close enough, or is that what you're suggesting?
http://mirrors.us.kernel.org/gentoo/snapshots/ has a lot to pick from.

> I suspect this thread could get long and interesting.  o_O

At least for now, I'd like to not try to go past 20121221 in order to avoid
systemd. So far I've not found a procedure lending itself to that except to
install via http://mirrors.us.kernel.org/gentoo/releases/x86/20121221/ , but
the machine doesn't boot USB and only has a CD reader. Neither of those
normally matter, since my preferred installation method is HTTP initiated by
Grub loading an installation kernel and initrd, but I've yet to locate
Gentoo's for that AFAICT, if it even has any such thing. I guess the chroot
to untar methodology on
https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:X86/Installation/Stage obviates any
such need? On http://mirrors.us.kernel.org/gentoo/releases/x86/autobuilds/ I
don't see anything that looks like a way to get to 20121221 if not already 

Neil Bothwick composed on 2015-08-04 18:44 (UTC+0100):

> How did you clone it? It appears parts are missing.

I used the word clone a bit loosely. I did rsync -av after a fresh mkfs.ext3.
What's missing on clone is missing on source too. Difference in used below I
suppose is mostly on account of having already run emerge --sync?

Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3               396623    256772    119369  69% /disks/boot
/dev/sda7              4875929   3410712   1219425  74% /disks/ogentoo
/dev/sda29             6501216   3689976   2483516  60% /
/dev/sda10             4837465   3365041   1226632  74% /disks/evergreen
/dev/sda12             3250579   1302593   1784125  43% /home
/dev/sda13             1625241    248895   1294417  17% /usr/local
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***  http://fm.no-ip.com/

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