James <wirel...@tampabay.rr.com> [15-08-05 17:32]:
>  <Meino.Cramer <at> gmx.de> writes:
> > I dont like the idea of patching the kernel in order to get some minor
> > user land tools to run...
> ipset has been integrated into the kernel::
> 'equery belongs ipset'
> so you are just 'enabling' it to work. 
> > Are there any other ways to achieve the same ?
> Yes, but it's a ton more work::
> https://github.com/Olipro/ipset
> Note that those files have not been touched in a while. The files
> in all capitals are excellent reading to enhance your understanding
> of the options. I'd google for additional and newer information on ipset,
> until you are comfortable with what you are doing with ipset and sidmat.
> Sorry, I have no experience with sidmat directly.
> hth,
> James

Hi James,

thanks for your reply :)

I think the whole thing ipset consists of a kernel configuration
and a user tool, which is available via emerge. Unfortunately, emerge
still insists of patching the kernel, which is - according to your
informations - unnecessary.

I unemerged ipset with emerge, fetched a new version from the
internet, reconfigured the kernel accordingly, recompiled the
kernel and this weekend I hopefully will have time to taste
the soup... ;)

Best regards,

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