On Fri, 23 Sep 2005 10:20:50 -0500, kashani wrote:

>       I worked at probably the first nation wide US ISP to block port
> 25 to any address other than our mail servers. While it was sad to see
> the days of free and clear access to smtp dying there really wasn't
> much choice. 

There is, redirecting port 25 traffic. I discovered an ISP was doing this
by accident, when I switched to my backup ISP and forgot to change my
mail settings. It was only later that I realised mail was still going
out, despite my software being set to use a different ISP's server. So I
sent myself a mail and checked the headers, they were redirecting all
outgoing port 25 traffic to their own server.

Neil Bothwick

A day without sunshine is like night.

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