Pupeno wrote:

> Providing some basic information such as what mail servers are you using
> would be a big plus to get an answer from someone.

Thanks Pupeno,

Unfortunately it's a sendmail setup on a hosted account and no info is
forthcoming from the admin.  It seems like an mbox style mail
implementation.  That's all I know about it I'm afraid.

> On Friday 23 September 2005 20:52, Mick wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Could you please advise what the access rights ought to be for my mail
>> directory?  I restored from a backup and things went downhill from
>> there.  :-(
>> The structure currently is as follows:
>> =======================
>> mail                                    770
>>  +-->domain.com                         755
>>  |    +-->user                          750
>>  |
>>  |         +-->.cppop.cache             600
>>  |             .cppop.cache.msgs        600
>>  |             .mailboxlist             600
>>  |             INBOX.Drafts             660
>>  |             INBOX.Sent               660
>>  |             INBOX.Trash              660
>>  |             inbox                    660
>> inbox                                  0660
>> INBOX.Drafts                           0660
>> INBOX.Sent                             0660
>> INBOX.Trash                            0660
>> saved-messages                         0660
>> sent-mail                              0660
>> =======================
>> Any idea what they should be like?  Also, what are the .cppop.cache and
>> cppop.cache.msgs for?
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Mick


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