Harry Putnam <reader <at> newsguy.com> writes:

> >> Can anyone offer an informed opinion as to whether the wiki pages
> >> at: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Upgrading_GCC

First glance it seems updated. 

> >> Are current and apply as well to the newest gcc versions?

GCC-5.2? Several folks have posted to a thread that gcc-5.2
is working great....

> > You may not have noticed but at the bottom of each wiki page there is
> > a timestamp:

> Ha... thanks for the nudge ... somewhere in the back of my pea brain,
> I think I once new that...
> So, if the emerge of gcc ever finishes ... hehe.  I'll follow on thru.
> > "This page was last modified on 11 August 2015, at 20:29."
> >
> > While I don't take this as a verification of correctness, I usually do
> > consider it an indication of not-completely-wrongness.

True. What I find is often the fringe or edge cases are not discussed.
It's not that folks responsible for the pages do not want that sort
of extra information, particular from proven, resourceful community members,
it that those folks fail to file doc bugs on bgo proposing
those enhancements. YOU can do that minimally, and before long
(I think) you'll be able to edit some pages either directly or
post them as attachments to the corresponding bug report.

> At the very least, someone with enough privileges has visited the page.

More work on the accuracy and completeness of the gentoo wiki is
definitely warranted, so just file bgo reports of your ideas for enhancements.

Welcome back, Harry......


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