On Aug 27, 2015 6:50 PM, <mcatu...@comcast.net> wrote:
> ________________________________
> >It's not a bug, and it won't be "fixed". Installing on a partition is
> >simply not supported.
> When a needed functionality is no longer working it is a bug. To have
grub installing itself on the MBR when the users doesn't it to is
unacceptable because it wipes out the part that loads the bootloader so
booting to other operating systems (OS/2, PC Dos, Ecomstation, etc) is no
longer possible with a nice bootloader, we are then stuck with grub which
is a pain in the ass to setup.

Or simply an unsupported / deprecated feature.

> I want to use grub only for the current Linux that I boot on.

So try to do it, or fork it and fix it yourself? The freedom is there.

> The maintainers of grub are basically acting like dictators much like
Microsoft. The whole point of using Linux was to have complete control of
the PC. Who those morons think they are to tell me what I should use to
boot Operating systems on my computer?

I think you have this backwards. Who are you to demand others make software
behave the way you want? The only person telling you what you can use to
boot your machine is your own requirements.

Since you are so sure what the vision of this software should be, why don't
you whip up a lull request with the code to do what you want it to do?

You hold the power. Do something with it.
> Michel

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