On 30/08/2015 18:15, Harry Putnam wrote:
> I see there have been a change in how we list our specific use flags.

It's been around for 5+ years or so

> I'm seeing /etc/portage/package.use/ pkg1 pkg2 ... etc rather than
> package.use as a file that contains the specific pkgs and use flags.
> I wonder if there is some advantage to leaving things as my
> installation has created them or should I revert to the old way where
> package.use is file... not a directory.

It's the same advantage as having /etc/*.d directories:

- package managers can add/remove/change single files without having to
grep/sed/awk everything in one file (unreliably)
- tools like autounmask will work, whereas before they were hit and go
- if you name the files after specific packages or categories you can
see at a glance where you've made changes

> If directory is better then how would I list USE flags for emacs-vcs?


> Just create a file `/etc/portage/package.use/emacs-vcs' with USE flags


> Or do I need to create another direrctorry within like:
>    /etc/portage/package.use/app-editors/emacs-vcs?


> I tried the later like so:
>    /etc/portage/package.use/app-editors/emacs-vcs
> where emacs-vcs contains:
>    emacs-vcs Xaw3d athena gnutls imagemagick toolkit-scroll-bars
> and this way:
>    >=app-editors/emacs-vcs-25.0.50_pre20150731 Xaw3d athena gnutls 
> imagemagick toolkit-scroll-bars
> But when I attempt emerging... the USE flags do not reflect those
> choices and shows and error:
> --- Invalid atom in /etc/portage/package.use/app-editors/emacs-vcs:
>     >=app-editors/emacs-vcs
> So what is the correct format?

Both your above are completely wrong. The docs clearly and unambiguously
say the exact format inside the file is identical whether you use a
package.use file, or any old arb filename you want inside a package.use/

You have not done this, you have let your confused brain override what
your eyes can clearly see, and have invented something new to do that is
not in the docs. Tut, tut.

Read the docs again and do what they say.

Alan McKinnon

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