On Mon, 31 Aug 2015 22:33:58 +0300, Alexander Kapshuk wrote:

> cat rubygems
> >=dev-ruby/rubygems-2.2.5-r1 ruby_targets_ruby21
> >=virtual/rubygems-10 ruby_targets_ruby21  
> Is this format acceptable? Or should I have used two separate files,
> one for 'dev-lang/rubygems', and another for 'virtual/rubygems'?

Use whatever suits you, portage doesn't care whether you use one file for
everything or one file for each setting.

My preference is to create a file for each program I use, and put the
settings for dependent packages in there, that way I know what they
relate to. It also means that if I remove the package, I can remove the
file too. This to my mind is the key advantage of the separate file
approach, a single file is too unwieldy without extensive comments, and I
am too lazy to add useful comments.

But it's up to you, do whatever works for your way of thinking - it's all
the same to portage.

One thing to be aware of is that portage adds "auto-unmask" entries to the
"last" file in package.use, so I always create a zzz-auto-unmask file
then transfer entries from there to the appropriate location.

Neil Bothwick

*Libra*: /(Sept 23--Oct 23)/ An unfortunate typo on your application
results in your being accepted into the Legion Of Superherpes.

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