"Walter Dnes" <waltd...@waltdnes.org> writes:

> On Wed, Sep 09, 2015 at 05:04:30PM -0400, Harry Putnam wrote
>> I've got to liking this font:
>>   -dec-terminal-medium-r-normal--14-140-75-75-c-80-iso8859-1
>> But, after checking with xlsfonts... I don't see it available
>> Can anyone tell me which font package would have -dec-termainal [...]
>> fonts?
>   Maybe media-fonts/font-dec-misc ?  An alternative option might be
> media-fonts/terminus-font

Thanks, that first sure looks like it should be the one.  When I
searched with `eix' looking for dec a couple days ago... I somehow,
probably thru operator error, did not uncover it ... although I easily
find it now.

There must be some other problems

I happened to have checked the output of xlsfonts|wc -l, which showed
before installing both of those above.

Once they were installed I do not find any dec-terminal fonts but also
`xlsfonts|wc -l' still shows 1513

I thought I had noticed that count staying the same earlier when I
installed the pkg thelma mentioned; but never verified before and
after like I did now.

  qlist font-dec-misc

And terminus-font has too many files to list here
  qlist terminus-font|wc -l

Surely the number recorded in xlsfonts should rise eh?

PS - For the record eix showed neither package you posted to be
installed prior to the installations I performed a few minutes ago,
yet no increase in number of fonts....

Am I wrong to expect xslfonts to show what I have installed?

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