On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 8:07 PM, walt <w41...@gmail.com> wrote:
[ ... ]
> Canek, are you still lurking here?  Please come back to us :)

(This is personal and definitely off-topic, so please skip if you are
not interested).

I'm still here, and I sill read almost all top posts (but I don't
follow most threads). Thanks for the concern.

I've got my tenure track at UNAM (which is kinda big deal here in
Mexico). I've been swamped in work for the last five months, and it's
gonna be that way for at least until the end of the year, probably

As for my lack of participation on the list, if you have noticed
almost no GNOME/systemd questions are asked on the list anymore, and I
attribute it to the excellent work done by the corresponding teams of
Gentoo devs. The growing pains we had when systemd was introduced are
basically over, and running Gentoo with it is easy as pie nowadays.
And I still maintain that for years it was easier to run systemd on
Gentoo than on many other distributions.

Certainly I haven't had any problems at all since a very long time.

On top of that, and because of my workload, I set almost all the
packages in all my machines to stable; basically I only have
vanilla-sources and dracut in ~amd64. Therefore, I cannot be of much
help to someone running systemd 227 when I myself run 218. The same
applies to GNOME; I just updated to 3.16 on September 13.

At some point my workload will stabilize (I hope!), and I intend to
get back to experiment with unstable packages and participating on the
list. Also, and since I will have an stable job until I die/retire
(for almost all practical purposes), I hope to finally start the
process to become a Gentoo developer myself.

Thanks again for asking.

Canek Peláez Valdés
Profesor de asignatura, Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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