On Sat, 26 Sep 2015 15:51:07 +0200, lee wrote:

> + need to rebuild (large) packages (like libreoffice) which I expect to
>   be upgraded and thus get rebuilt later anyway (to keep the package
>   management happy because it cannot figure this out for us and give us
>   a choice to upgrade these (large) packages as well while we are at
>   it),

They need to be rebuilt because a package they used has updated with a
changed API, poppler is the usual culprit here. It's an issue with all
distros, but for the binary one it's only an issue for the devs, they
build a set of packages that work together and you get to install them.
If a poppler update requires a new libreoffice package, the usual choice
is to skip the new poppler until a new LO is released.
> + have to do other things to keep the system up to date we somehow don't
>   know about, like 'emerge -a --changed-deps=y @world' (because the
>   package management doesn't really know how to update the whole system
>   to begin with (because it's so complicated))?

It's not that it is complicated but time-consuming. Options like
--changed-deps and --with-bdeps upgrade packages that don't really need
it, so why enable them by default. They not only increase the time needed
to compile everything but slow down portage's dependency resolution.

Neil Bothwick

Favorite Windoze game: Guess what this icon does?

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