On 28/10/2015 00:51, Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
> Hi guys’n’gals
> Before the introduction of repos.conf, we used several variables in
> make.conf to tell portage where to find stuff, such as GENTOO_MIRRORS and
> SYNC. My make.conf used to first define sensible defaults for those and then
> has the line:
> source homenet.conf
> This file modifies those portage settings to reroute operations to within my
> own network. Oftentimes either my PC or laptop is (far) ahead of the other
> (tree sync, distfiles download). So to make them serve each other, which
> reduces load on public servers and vastly speeds up distfiles download, this
> homenet.conf file
> - prepends a gentoo mirror
> - sets the portage rsync server
> - enables distcc on the laptop
> So with a single (un)commenting of the source command, I could switch
> between “normal” mode and “homenet” mode.
> Since repos.conf came about, this doesn’t work anymore (the sync part,
> anyway, for now). So nowadays, when I want to switch mode, I need to change
> the source line and also need to change the sync-uri in repos.conf’s default
> repository. That’s too much work. :-D
> How would you advise to achieve what I’m after?
> Thanks-a-doodle and good night.

There is one obvious method but portage doesn't seem to support it:

make homenet the highest priority repo in repos.conf and enable/disable
it as appropriate. A setting "enabled=true" in the file, or a
--enable-repos option to emerge would work nicely, but those do not
exist. Sounds like something a feature request might get action on :-)

Meanwhile, you can "simulate" it:

Put homenet.conf somewhere outside /etc/portage, and add or delete a
symlink for it while needed. If the master file is in /path/to/homenet
and you are at home:

ln -sfn /path/to/homenet/homenet.conf /etc/portage/repos.conf/
emerge ...

Disclainmer: completely untested, I only describe a bizarre idea that
popped into mind

Alan McKinnon

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