On Wednesday, November 04, 2015 02:19:40 AM Dale wrote:
> J. Roeleveld wrote:
> > On Tuesday, November 03, 2015 10:38:18 PM Dale wrote:
> >> Alan McKinnon wrote:
> >>> On 03/11/2015 18:05, Dale wrote:
> >>>> I don't know if this will help or not but since you seem to be grasping
> >>>> at straws, grab this one and hold on for dear life.  For the longest
> >>>> time, every time hplip, cups and friends were updated, I had to delete
> >>>> and readd my printer.  If I didn't, printing was not going to happen,
> >>>> period.  I might also add, I'd restart cups just to be sure, after the
> >>>> delete and again after the readd.  Once I did that, printing worked
> >>>> like
> >>>> a charm.  If I didn't know better, I'd think the ink lasted longer too.
> >>>> ROFL  Just kidding but . . . .   If nothing else works, may want to try
> >>>> that.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Oh, the last time I did the setup, I ignored cups completely.  I went
> >>>> in
> >>>> as root and set up the printer using the hplip command.  That was at
> >>>> least a couple years ago.  Since then, whenever I get ready to print,
> >>>> and replace the dried out cartridges, it just works.  I have a D4260,
> >>>> currently out of ink, again.
> >>>> 
> >>>> I think the actual command is hp-setup.  I use KDE and that opens a GUI
> >>>> to do the set up.  Generally, it is just clicking next.  It just seems
> >>>> to figure out the rest itself, unless you have more than one printer
> >>>> hooked up then you may have to select something.
> >>>> 
> >>>> None of this may help but maybe one will.  May be worth a shot.  ;-)
> >>> 
> >>> That's my experience too. I print very little by for ages now everytime
> >>> a change was made to a printer or cups (even teeny minor ones), I'd
> >>> delete and re-add all printers plus restart cups.
> >>> 
> >>> Why does cups behave like this? Buggered if I know. I have an
> >>> unexpressable opinion based on a certain fruity vendor who seems better
> >>> at suing Samsung than actually writing code....
> >> 
> >> For some reason, cups just doesn't like HP, at least in my case.  I've
> >> had that problem for ages until a couple years or so ago.  I always used
> >> cups to setup and mange the printer.  After getting enough of it one
> >> day, I stopped cups.  I then set up the printer with hplip.  It took
> >> less than a minute to do to, just keep clicking next for me.  After I
> >> did that, I don't think I have had to delete/readd the printer since.  I
> >> know I have updated both cups and hplip too, likely several times.  No
> >> telling what has been updated that they depend on.
> >> 
> >> Maybe I got lucky or maybe just not using cups works.  Odd thing is,
> >> when I rebooted later, cups started automatically and the printer still
> >> works and the printer shows up in cups.  It's been working ever since.
> >> So, kick cups out of the way, set it up using only hplip stuff and see
> >> what happens.  Heck, it just may work.  :/
> >> 
> >> Now if I can just get Seamonkey and Firefox to stop defaulting to
> >> English (United Kingdom) instead of English (United States) I'll be even
> >> happier.  o_O
> >> 
> >> Dale
> >> 
> >> :-)  :-)
> >> 
> >> P. S.  I got my elcheapo ebay cartridges today.  It still prints fine.
> >> 
> >> :-D   Oooo, pretty colors too.
> > 
> > Same here.
> > I use hp-setup to configure the printer once and then it "just works"
> > without further thinking. (Apart from having to switch it on)
> > 
> > I stopped using inkjet/deskjet/... printers years ago after having another
> > one ruined by dried up ink.
> > Currently happily using a laserprinter with a network-cable :)
> > 
> > --
> > Joost
> I wish I could get me a laser printer.  I'm dipping off into electronics
> again and will have to make PCBs and they say laser printers work
> better, although I have had a couple tell me ink jets work just as good
> now, maybe better.  Still, toner doesn't seem to mess up like cartridges
> do.  Just keep the stuff in a relatively dry spot and it's ready to go
> when ever you need to print.

I find laser printers to be more expensive initially, but considering the 
amount of pages I can print per toner cartridge, compared to what I used to 
get out of the same amount of ink (comparing monetary costs), I find laser 
printers to be cheaper.
Inkjet only seems to work if I print a lot. For occasional printing, lasers 
are more reliable.

But I only print on paper.

I though PCBs are hard? How do you get those through a printer?

> Glad to know that the way I set up my printer works for someone else
> too.  Hmmmmm.

I had to rethink how I did it as it's been working without issue for a few 
years now. And I do update regularly.


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