On Friday 06 November 2015 22:31:26 Dale wrote:
>waben...@gmail.com wrote:
>> the...@sys-concept.com wrote:
>>> Regarding better motherboard my preference is one that use 100%
>>> Jpanese capacitors, if I'm not mistaken  Gigabit is one of them.
>> Nearly six years ago I've bought four Gigabyte Ultra Durable mobos
>> equipped with solid state capacitors. Two of these boards are running
>> 24/7, the other two boards are running about 12h/day.
>> All mobos are still working without any problems. So I think my next
>> board will also be a Gigabyte UD.
>> --
>> Regards
>> wabe
>I have a Gigabyte 970A-UD3P.  My rig runs 24/7 except when I have to
>shutdown due to lengthy power fail.  I have a UPS but it doesn't last
>forever.  So far, no problems.  I seem to recall that UD3 is the most
>stable version a mobo.  I think you can find a breakdown of what all the
>numbers/letters stand for in the mobo model number somewhere.
>Hope that helps.
>:-)  :-)

While on the topic of long-lasting mobos: my Asus M2N-E is about ten years old 
now and was running almost 24/7 for about 9 of them (I pay my own electricity 
now, so it only runs when I'm using it now).  It has yet to cause me any 
problems and has outlasted most of the other components in my PC.  The only 
equally old components are the soundcard, cooling, and DVD drive, the latter 
of which needs replacing, though (or oiling? dunno if you can do that).

The 14 year-old mobo in my mother's equally ancient PC is a Gigabyte, though, 
so with my whopping *two* data points ;-) I'm going to argue that it's just a 
matter of getting a decent model, irrespective of manufacturer.

Marc Joliet
"People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we
don't" - Bjarne Stroustrup

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