I'll admit that my system setup is a bit unusual.  A long time ago, in
a place far away, hard drives were small, compared to today's standards.
The usual unix practice of multiple seprate partitions was not feasable
for me, but I did want to keep root on its own partition.  So I
compromised with a small / partition, with empty /home, /opt, /var,
/usr, and /tmp directories.  Their real equivalents are bind-mounted
from a much larger partition.  I just re-did my oldest machine.  It has
a primary partition 1, which covers the entire hard drive.  The /
partion on /dev/sda5 is approximately 500 megabytes (YES!).  There's a
3.8 gigabyte swap partion /dev/sda6, and the rest of the drive is
/dev/sda7.  Here's the relevant portion of /etc/fstab...

/dev/sda5               /           ext2     noatime,async      0 1
/dev/sda7               /home       ext3     noatime,async      0 1
/home/bindmounts/opt    /opt        auto     bind               0 0
/home/bindmounts/var    /var        auto     bind               0 0
/home/bindmounts/usr    /usr        auto     bind               0 0
/home/bindmounts/tmp    /tmp        auto     bind               0 0
/dev/sda6               none        swap     sw                 0 0

...and the output from "df"...

Filesystem     1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root         495944     49416    420928  11% /
devtmpfs           10240         0     10240   0% /dev
tmpfs             310080       356    309724   1% /run
shm              1550384         0   1550384   0% /dev/shm
cgroup_root        10240         0     10240   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda7      476205120 292365556 159643008  65% /opt

...showing /dev/sda7 mounted on /opt !?!?  mc (Midnight Commander) shows
152 of 454 gigabytes free on all of /home, /opt, /var, /usr, and /tmp,
which is correct, since they're all really bindmounts from /dev/sda7.
The / partition (/dev/sda5) has 411 of 484 megabytes free.  The machine
works OK, but the "df" output is a head-scratcher.  I've re-booted a
couple of times, with no change.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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