Am Sat, 12 Dec 2015 17:53:04 +0000
schrieb Stroller <>:

> > On Sat, 12 December 2015, at 3:08 a.m., jens wefer
> > <> wrote:
> > 
> > I set up a mail server, postfix/dovecot, ssl required.
> > test with mail-client, all ok
> > when I try to copy mails with imapsync (gentoo) comes timeout,
> > and imapsync will login again.
> > with each new login, a new process imap-login is generated.
> Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how do you know it's timing out?
> Could it just be slow, as it has to compile loads of messages in its
> first run?
> Looks like dovecot has a 30 minute timeout. [1]
> An old message on the Dovecot mailing list [2] suggests to set
> "verbose_proctitle = yes" in config to see why each process is open.
> It also suggests using high-performance mode, rather that the
> default. 
> Stroller.

timeout comes from imapsync (default timeout 120 sec).
after 10 minutes then running 5 Dovecot processes which want 100% CPU
time. mail logfile:
imap-login: Login: user = .... blablub, TLS ession, ..

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