On Tue, 29 Dec 2015 10:00:10 -0700
Skippy <linux...@204eastsouth.com> wrote:

> I've been googling to no avail on this one.
> When using Midnight Commander, I'll select a file and hit "enter" thus
> opening that file with it's associated program.
> Let's say a mp3 file with VLC as that's one I have set up.
> It runs, but any error messages from VLC appear in the MC terminal
> window and force the MC display up the screen, thus rendering it unreadable.
> I can fix this by exiting VLC and entering "clear" on the command line.
> Question is, can I hide all terminal messages when MC is running?  Does
> my question & description make sense?

Just redirect the standard end error output to the void, like:

--- 8< ~/.config/mc/mc.ext ---
    Open=(mpv -vf-clr %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
    View=%view{ascii} midentify %f
    Edit=if [ -n "$DISPLAY" ]; then (avidemux3_qt4 %f 2>&1 >/dev/null &); fi
--- >8 ----

so opening the file (pressing enter on the file), or editing it (via
pressing F4) I don;t see any output from neither mpv nor avidemux.
Note, that both of the processes are instantly put to the background
(amperand at the end of the command) so that mc is still operatable.

Hope, that helps :)

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   _ /O)_\//       Kohina - Reyn Ouwehand - In Karate - C64 (8580)
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