Harry Putnam wrote:
> Running Gentoo (32 bit) as guest on a solaris machine.
> My install initially had `aurora' as browser.  I removed it and
> installed firefox.bin, thinking the cpu usage would drop.
> It has dropped but only minimally.
> The host machine (Openindian) has 32 GB RAM.
> My vbox setup allows 3016 MB for guest (gentoo) ram.
> With firefox open but not actively browsing, ... I see from %44
> .. to %63 cpu in a `top' display for cpu usage.  When actually using
> the app, it goes to %80 plus.  Even 100%
> Is this normal cpu usage for firefox?  If so, are there any tips for
> cutting down on the cpu usage of firefox?
> Perhaps a different browser?  But it has to work on banking sites.

The only thing I can think of, outside what Mick mentioned, is that you
have a plugin/extension or something that is creating some work.  A
version or two ago, FF made some sort of change and I noticed that some
plugins had to be disabled or removed completely because FF would either
not start at all or would be very slow to react.  Switching tabs is when
I really noticed it being slow.  I could click and wait several seconds
for it to switch tabs or groups.  Some websites would also load very
slow.  My current rig, AMD 4 core running 3.2GHz with 16GBs of ram. 
After a recent update, things are pretty much back to normal except that
FF has some things I used to addon built in now. 

The version I had issues with was the 42 ones.  I'm currently on 43 and
it is better plus all my plugins work.  With some added features added,
I also got rid of a few addons, which helps all the way around. 

If you are using 42, may want to test 43 out and see if it helps.  Also
check into Mick's idea too.  It does affect it too.  May even be that
you are having both of these as problems.


:-) :-)

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