Okay, this is the list after the SECOND emptytree world.

I then sync'd again and removed any packages scheduled for update from
this list and ran it again.

Most of these are long-standing fails, the one that worries me the most
is klibc, that might byte me on reboot. That is a Gcc 5.3 incompatibility!

tortoise portage # tree -L 2
├── app-cdr
│   └── cdrdao-1.2.3-r2
├── app-office
│   └── texmacs-1.99.2-r1
├── app-text
│   └── recode-3.6_p20-r1
├── dev-dotnet
│   ├── gnome-sharp-2.24.2-r1
│   ├── gtk-sharp-2.12.21
│   ├── nuget-2.8.3
│   └── xdt-for-monodevelop-2.8.1
├── dev-java
│   └── java-sdk-docs-
├── dev-libs
│   ├── klibc-2.0.4
│   ├── libcdio-0.93
│   └── libcdio-paranoia-0.93_p1
├── dev-util
│   └── monodevelop-
├── kde-base
│   └── pykde4-4.14.3
├── media-gfx
│   ├── gphotofs-0.5
│   └── povray-
├── media-libs
│   ├── opencv-3.0.0
│   └── x264-0.0.20151011
├── media-sound
│   ├── audacity-2.0.5-r1
│   └── playmidi-2.5-r2
├── media-video
│   └── vcdimager-0.7.24
├── sys-fs
│   └── squashfs-tools-4.3
└── www-servers
    └── xsp-2014.12-r2014120900

36 directories, 0 files
tortoise portage #

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