
I was going to try out some of the KDE5 stuff just to see if I'm going
to like it or not.  Anyway, I added a BUNCH of stuff to a keywords file
related to KDE and got past that part.  I think I got them all.  Now I
get this:

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!

!!! The ebuild selected to satisfy
">=media-libs/mlt-0.9.8-r1[ffmpeg,kdenlive,melt,qt5,sdl,xml]" has unmet
- media-libs/mlt-0.9.8-r2::gentoo USE="ffmpeg frei0r gtk kde kdenlive
melt opengl python qt5 sdl xml -compressed-lumas -debug -fftw -jack
-libav -libsamplerate -lua -qt4 -rtaudio (-ruby) -vdpau -xine"
ABI_X86="64" CPU_FLAGS_X86="mmx sse sse2" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7"

  The following REQUIRED_USE flag constraints are unsatisfied:
    kde? ( qt4 )

  The above constraints are a subset of the following complete expression:
    python? ( python_targets_python2_7 ) qt5? ( !qt4 ) kde? ( qt4 )

(dependency required by "kde-apps/kdenlive-15.12.0-r1::gentoo" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "kde-apps/kdemultimedia-meta-15.08.3::gentoo"
(dependency required by "=kde-apps/kdemultimedia-meta-15.08.3" [argument])
root@fireball / # 

There used to be more than that but I got rid of some by disabling qt4
on some packages in package.use.  It seems some can't handle both being
enabled so disabled it is for now.  Still, I can't figure out what
emerge is trying to tell me here.  I don't have a decoder ring but I
know a couple here do.  To try and get a idea on this for the future,
I'm going to ask this way. 

When it says kde?, what does that mean?  Does it want me to specify a
version or something?  I couldn't find a USE flag for a version of KDE,
just the plain kde flag. 

Before it had a !qt4 in the error.  I assume that ! means NO.  After I
disabled qt4 for the packages, that part of the error went away.  Am I
right on that or just lucky?  Keep in mind, I'm not even a script
kiddy.  :/ 

OK Alan and Neil.  Whip out your decoder ring.  What is this thing
trying to tell me.  lol


:-)  :-) 

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