Sorry for double-posting, the previous copy of this message has been sent
only to Stroller and not to the gentoo-user mailing list.

2016-01-04 12:47 GMT+02:00 Stroller <>:

First of all, thank you for replying and excuse for the delay.

> A resend of this message, which I posted yesterday. Is the list dropping my 
> mail?

 Probably, yes, as I have received only this one.

> On Fri, 1 January 2016, at 4:59 p.m., gevisz <> wrote:
>> Below is the additional details of the second answer:
>>> Since you build from source on gentoo:
>>> Can you check whether this appears when running ./configure?
>>> checking for nl_langinfo and CODESET… yes
> You should see this by re-emerging the package and watching the screen
> - there should be lots of "checking for" lines during the emerge output.
> You should be able to scroll back through it all when the package has
> finished emerging.
>>> Also, which arguments are used for ./configure?
> Look in the ebuild. [1]
> It looks like it's configured with --with-lispdir=/$path/$to/$directory if 
> you have the USE=emacs.

 No, I have emacs, nls and xemacs user flags all unset for this package:

 $ equery uses gtypist
 [ Legend : U - final flag setting for installation]
 [        : I - package is installed with flag     ]
 [ Colors : set, unset                             ]
  * Found these USE flags for app-misc/gtypist-2.9.5:
  U I
  - - emacs  : Add support for GNU Emacs
  - - nls    : Add Native Language Support (using gettext - GNU locale
  - - xemacs : Add support for XEmacs

> It looks like it applies an xemacs compatibility patch [2], but I doubt that 
> makes a difference.
> Otherwise, as far as I can see, it uses the makefile's defaults.
> I'm not sure what's going on with "$(use_enable nls)" in the ebuild
> - perhaps someone else on this list could explain what USE=nls does for this 
> package.
>>> /* printf("encoding is %s, UTF8=%d\n", locale_encoding, isUTF8Locale); */
>>> If that doesn't help, can you enable to printf above and post the output?
> If you run `sudo ebuild /usr/portage/app-misc/gtypist/gtypist-2.9.5.ebuild 
> unpack`
> you should be able to find the file with that line.

 I did it, and the ebuild has been unpacked to

> The "/*" and "*/" make that line into a comment, so "uncomment" it [3] by 
> removing them. Save the file.

 Did it in the file

> Now you should be able to run `sudo ebuild 
> /usr/portage/app-misc/gtypist/gtypist-2.9.5.ebuild install`
> to install gtypist with the modified code.

 Did it as well, though without understanding why this command should
 take into account the changes I had done  in the file

 There was nothing in the output from the uncommented line (/encoding
 finds nothing).

 Any further help would be appreciated.

> I haven't done this in a while, so hopefully someone will correct me if I've 
> got anything wrong.
> My first instinct was to epatch, but I don't think that's necessary.
> HTH,
> Stroller.
> [1] 
> [2] 
> [3]

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