On 01/10/2016 02:19 PM, James wrote:
> I also found  'net-fs/tahoe-lafs' quite intriguing so I'm a wee bit
> uncertain as to  why this one is not being pick up? I need to read
> up on it and test it a bit to learn more about tahoe-lafs.
> Best way forward? So for now I just copy the contents of
> /usr/portage/categroy/package into /usr/local/portage/category/package and
> include
> the relevant sources from /usr/portage/distfiles also under
> /usr/local/portage. Any other relevant file to grab up before hatchet time?

That's pretty much it assuming you have /usr/local/portage in $PORTDIR
or configured in /etc/portage/repos.conf.

When I was proxy-maintaining packages we were still using CVS, so the
only way to get something committed was to either email it to the proxy
maintainers or post a patch to a bug. These days it may be easier to
create a pull request on github, or submit the output of `git
format-patch`. That will preserve the authorship information from your
commits, and anything that makes the proxy committer's life easier means
a faster turn around time.

Until you feel comfortable with git, it's fine to open a bug. You can
assign it to yourself with proxy-maint@ in CC and someone should come
along to commit it soon enough.

The full process would look something like,

  1. Open a bug, assigned to yourself, for e.g. "app-foo/bar: fix stuff"

  2. Sync your portage tree.

  3. Copy app-foo/bar into /usr/local/portage.

  4. Make your changes.

  5. Run `repoman full` and make sure there are no errors or warnings.

  6. Attach the new ebuild or patch to the bug with a description of
     what it does (the committer will need a commit message).

  7. CC the proxy-maint project.

With github, you would instead `git pull` to sync the tree. Then after
your commits are made and repoman is happy, you would `git push` and
open a pull request. The github mirror admins can figure out that you're
the proxy maintainer and commit it for you or assign it to someone who can.

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