
previously there were two graphic cards installed in my Gentoo box:

Geforce GT 430
Geforce GT 560TI

The first was used for desktop purposes only and the second was used
only by Blender as "render engine".

Then the Geforce GT 560TI went crazy and died and had to change it
with another one, a Geforce GTX 960.

I grepped through /etc and checked for "560" and similiar to find
things which need to be changed.


Rendering runs now faster, which means that Blender has found its
new "render engine". But...

The GUI of Blender starts lagging...

The desktop "feels" the same...but I cannot tell, whether it is 
supported by the first or second graphics card, since the 960 may
be capable to handle both...dont know for shure.

Nvidia settings recognizes both cards...from the thermal readings
I would guess, that the GTX 960 is definetly used for rendering
purposes...but I think using the desktop will not heat up either

Is there any way to check, whether the current setup is working as
wanted (GTX 480 for desktop only, GTX 960 for rendering only) and
whether to "full power of the GTX 960" is available for rendering?

I cannot get rid of the feeling, that I am driving with brakes on....

Thank you very much in advance for any help!
Best regards,

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