On Mon, 1 Feb 2016 05:04:14 -0500 Philip Webb wrote:
> 160201 Andrew Savchenko wrote:
> > On Mon, 1 Feb 2016 09:03:50 +0000 Neil Bothwick wrote:
> >> On Mon, 1 Feb 2016 05:56:37 +0100, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
> >>> Switching to nvidia OpenCL interface... done
> >>>  * x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers is using the deprecated
> >>> readme.gentoo.eclass.    <<<????>>>
> >>>  * Please use readme.gentoo-r1 instead.
> >>> What does the marked line implies? This is an outdated readme?
> >> It's a QA message stating that the ebuild should be updated
> >> to use a newer eclass. The readme.gentoo eclass is used
> >> to generate messages specific to installing the package on Gentoo.
> >> IMO ebuild QA messages like this should not be shown to users.
> > The idea is that users should ping developers
> > with appropriate bug reports.
> However are users supposed to know that ?
> How would they know whether such a bug report really was "appropriate" ?
> Really, Portage output needs a serious re-think (smile).

If emerge outputs something strange for ebuild, this should be
reported as bug, as well as any other weird package behaviour. 

Of course, no one _must_ report this, this is a matter of a good

Best regards,
Andrew Savchenko

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