On Wednesday 28 September 2005 23:44, Holly Bostick wrote:
> Tony Davison schreef:
> > On Wednesday 28 September 2005 20:33, Holly Bostick wrote:
> >>I'm sitting here with my jaw on the floor.
> >
> > <much snippage>
> >
> >>This is a gigantic leap from the previous versions I've used, and I
> >>think I've just switched WMs. Obviously there's been a huge shakeup
> >>somewhere, but the site doesn't say anything about it, that I saw.
> >>
> >>Does anybody happen to follow development of this and know what
> >>happened?
> >>
> >>I'm just stunned (in a good way).
> >
> > OK I'll bite but does anyone know how to get KDE to play nicely
> > with it. I've b*****d about with the ksmserver bit of startkde
> > until I thoroughly broke it but when it aint broke it resolutely
> > refuses to have anything to do with any wm apart fron kwin or
> > KDEWM.
> > Stumped, on my last cig and this wheelchair has no lights.
> Sorry-- that's one of the reasons I use GDM (even under KDE, but I
> use KDE very very rarely).
> What I would think is that you'd want to copy the
> fvwm-crystal.desktop file from
> /usr/share/xsessions
> to
> /usr/kde/3.4/share/apps/kdm/sessions
> so that it appears as a choice in KDM.
> Why you'd expect the *startkde* script to start anything other than
> KDE rather eludes me, I must admit.
> :)
Its OK I got it working impressive it is.
With the last gasp of my grey cells last night I emerged GDM (I only had 
XDM on this system) and lo there it was.

As for startkde, I was guilty of reading the FVWM FAQ :-)
Tony Davison
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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