On Monday, March 21, 2016 05:43:38 PM Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On 21/03/2016 16:52, Alan Grimes wrote:
> > Anyone who boots directly to X'doze without first going through a safe
> > console login is a raging mad lunatic who needs his head examined. This
> > is linux we are talking about. It's crap. It always has been crap, and
> > it always will be crap. Never ever ever trust it. I leave my computer on
> > continuously because booting it is such a risk. Every single time I load
> > X'doze and find that my keyboard and mouse are working I ghasp with
> > surprise. The linux developers, or the penguins as I like to call them
> > are so smug on the sublime superiority of the open source approach that
> > they never bother to design essential things such as fail-safe design,
> > fallback drivers, stable apis so that it doesn't just die if it's not
> > compiled against this specific point release. ... You know, the kind of
> > things that any competent programmer would think about. =|
> Danger, Will Robinson, danger!
> The power of the troll is strong with this one.

No.... really? :)


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