On March 22, 2016 11:20:46 AM GMT+01:00, Dennis Tants <dennis.ta...@zarm.uni-bremen.de> wrote: >Hey guys, >till now I was just a silent reader of some topics, but now I could >need >your help. >I recently did a 'emerge -avuDN --with-bdeps/=y --complete=graph world' > >(hope the term with --with-bdeps is correct, writing from memory). I >saw >that I got new gentoo-sources. >I was runnig with 4.0.5, the latest is of course 4.1.15-r1. So I >decided >to upgrade my kernel. I started with eselect kernel set 4.1.15-r1 (the >number for it). Then 'cd /usr/src/linux/ && make menuconfig'. I sorted >out a few filesystems I didn't need, but thats all. >After I saved the .config file, I did 'make && make modules_install && >make install' like it is written in the handbook. >Last but not least I wanted to create a new GRUB entry with >'grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg'. I thought I did all steps but >after a reboot, I ran into a kernel panic (Not syncing rootfs, IIRC). >Following a tutorial to be able to boot again, I had a look at my >grub.cfg. >All those grub.cfg's I saw on the wiki had a short and relativeley easy > >to understand syntax. But my grub.cfg is full of things I probably >won't >need. >I thought it could have been my fault, because i removed some fs while >building the kernel, so i tried it again, but this time with genkernel. > >But the same thing happened again. >I now wrote a grub.cfg by my self with all the information I needed. >In this wiki article is an example of a grub.cfg file, which I used as >a >reference. >https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Genkernel >After rebooting again, I noticed, that my grub entries did not change. > >Is there anything I did wrong or should try?? >Also, why is there such a complicated 'new' grub layout? Haven't done >much with until now. >Thanks for your precious time :) > >Greetings
Did you copy over the .config from your old kernel to the new kernel sources before configuring? I always do that to avoid forgetting something important. -- Joost -- Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.