On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 07:46:09AM +0100, J. Roeleveld wrote
> On Tuesday, March 22, 2016 04:51:52 PM Grant Edwards wrote:
> > You're probably right, the magick sysrq feature pretty much obviates
> > the need to boot to console to protect against buggy X11 servers. But,
> > it's fairly recent and Linux-specific. So, the boot-to-console trait
> > (which evolved pre-sysrq -- and even pre-Linux, and has very little
> > "cost") hasn't died out yet...
> Yes, but it Xorg isn't that buggy to warrant the inconvience of
> a console boot on a desktop/laptop.  Even with proprietary nvidia
> drivers.

  How much inconvenience is it, really?  I have a short script ~/bin/x

#! /bin/bash
startx -- -nosilk -config ${1}xorg.conf &

  At the commandline I simply type "x" and hit the {ENTER} key.  Note
the "-config ${1}xorg.conf".  The default (i.e. no parameters passed to
script) is to go with the regular xorg.conf.  But if I want to go with a
lower resolution (e.g. 640x480) from "640xorg.conf", I would start with

x 640

  This allows me to easily start up not only with different resolutions,
but different colour depths, etc.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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