Alan Grimes wrote:
> Mick wrote:
>> Hello Mr Grimes,
>> I see you still have trouble dealing with your rage issues.
>> I recommend you seek professional help about that.
>> Nah!  Let the man vent.  Gentoo is a particularly effective (meta)distro for 
>> this purpose too.  It will invariably do *exactly* what you instruct it, 
>> although this comes with no guarantee this will be what wanted it to do.  
>> It forces you to learn through practice.  ;-)
> No, not in this case.
> Emerge is clearly looking for any tenible excuse not to do anything
> whatsoever, and will not do anything at all if any such excuse exists.
> Six months ago, it wasn't like this. It would generally plow ahead and
> start compiling the shit you asked it to. This WOULD sometimes cause
> problems, which could affect multi-user systems and server situations,
> but on my desktop, all of these problems would go away by the end of the
> update list and 95% of the time, revdep-rebuild wouldn't have anything
> to do.
> And then some pinhead got an idea that you could verify the workingness
> of every package by spending twenty minutes of cpu time examining
> ebuilds....
> This could work, (given 20 minutes) almost, if you set --backtrack=30.
> However, not having this set by default is a wonderful opportunity to
> annoy the crap out of the user and such opportunities are never to be
> passed up. NEVER!!

I've mentioned this before.  The reason you are running into all this is
because of the update process YOU use.  Because you chose to use a
update process that several very experienced Gentoo users have told you
will result in this sort of problem, you need to place the blame
somewhere besides on Gentoo and emerge. 

Yea, emerge can have its bumps at times and do something unexpected, but
in your case, it is not emerge that is causing the problem.  If the
problem was emerge, other people on this list would be running into the
same problem you are.  Gentoo updates do not work like Ubuntu or some
other binary based distro.  You will learn that or find yourself in the
exact same mess you are in now until you do.  How long that takes is up
to you tho. 

Basically, take the advice from some people who have been doing this for
years or continue along the path that you have proven doesn't work. 
When people like Alan McKinnon or Neil tell you that what you are doing
isn't going to end well, it pays to listen.  Heck, even I know better
than to update my Gentoo box the way you do and I don't even try and
claim to know as much as either of those two much less both put together. 

Might I also add, besides blaming emerge, why not post with some info
that people can actually look at?  As it is now, I don't think you have
even posted what package you are having trouble with.  I don't have ESP
and I don't recall seeing anyone else on this list claiming they have it
either.  I can recall me blasting hal but one thing about it, people
knew what problem I was having and what it was with. 


:-)  :-) 

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