Alan Grimes wrote:
> Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
>> you do stupid things and then complain that the system does not work.
>> Why don't you stop doing stupid things?
>> That said, C 1.0 blocks A 1.0 but updating to C 2.0 would solve it, does
>> happen, even if you do not act retarded, BUT those instances are usually
>> easy to solve.
> 1. I have self respect. I will not allow my computer to give me
> busy-work like that.
> 2. The error would be:
> "ha ha ha you thought you could update C when A 1.0 is incompatible with
> B 2.0 , you should RTFM you stoopeed nooob!"
> It is fundamentally broken. =| 

What is broken is not emerge.  What is broken is your process.  Since
you have ran into this problem before when no one else has, I would hope
you would get the idea.  It's not like this is your first time. 

I might add, you may want to read the thread about other Gentoo folks
talking about how easy their updates have been lately.  I might add, I
did a emerge -e world and recompiled over 1400 packages with only one
failure.  In the past, I've done emerge -e world and not have any
failures.  Actually, I haven't had very many failures when doing a
emerge -e world in a long time. 

I run a mix of stable and unstable here which itself can be tricky. 
During the recent plasma switch, emerge did a really good job letting me
know what changes needed to be made so that I could get the updates
done.  The biggest change I had to make was a few USE flags.  All I had
to do was read what emerge gave me and edit the package.use file. 

Let us know when you are ready for some help on your process. Until
then, I have no idea if anyone can help you.


:-)  :-) 

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